Angela was born and raised in New York city. In her early twenties she move to France where she worked for a renowned florist Christian Tortu. While working for Christian Tortu she was responsible for prestigious weddings and fashion shows such as Dior, Channel, Balmain and Kenzo's fairwell show. She then took on another very different adventure. Taking care of the opening of a Belgium clothing store Bellerose in the marais. She took care of team management, hiring, planning, store organisation and merchandising. Angela is turning to a different field of work which is in movie production where she takes care communication and follows the commercialisation of short films for Amphitane films.
Conception et Production Audiovisuelle
pour les entreprises et les institutions.
C'est aussi
Productrice, Coordinatrice Festival, Ventes internationales
Des professionnels du cinéma et de la télévision au service de l'audiovisuel d'entreprise.
RCS de Tarascon 447 781 832 /
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